New Delhi: Asserting India offers what innovators and investors need, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday invited the world to invest in the country based on the five pillars of talent, market, capital, eco-system and culture of openness.

Prime Minister Modi, who was delivering his keynotes address at the fifth edition of VivaTech via video conference, said India’s strides in the world of tech and start-up are well-known, adding the nation is home to one of the world’s largest start-up eco systems.

Meanwhile, the BJP also shared the Prime Minister’s address on Twitter.

“India offers what innovators and investors need. I invite the world to invest in India, based on the five pillars – Talent – Market – Capital – Ecosystem - Culture of openness: PM  @narendramodi,” BJP Live posted on the micro-blogging platform.

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Prime Minister Modi also said the Indian tech-talent pool is famous across the world, adding the Indian youth have given tech solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems.

“Today, India has one point one eight billion mobile phones and Seven Seventy-Five million internet users. This is more than the population of several nations. Data consumption in India is among the highest and cheapest in the world. Indians are the largest users of social media. There is a diverse and extensive market that awaits you,” said Prime Minister Modi.

Asserting this digital expansion is being powered by creating state-of-the-art public digital infrastructure, Prime Minister Modi said five hundred and twenty-three thousand kilometres of fibre optic network already links our one hundred and fifty six thousand village councils.

“Many more are being connected in the times to come. Public wi-fi networks across the country are coming up. Likewise, India is working actively to nurture a culture of innovation. There are state-of-the-art innovation labs in Seven Thousand Five Hundred schools under the Atal Innovation Mission. Our students are taking part in numerous hackathons, including with students overseas. This gives them the much-needed exposure to global talent and best practices,” he added.

Stressing the “need for insulating our planet against the next pandemic”, Prime Minister Modi called for strengthening cooperation in furthering research as well as innovation.

“Over the past year, we have witnessed a lot of disruption in different sectors. Much of it is still there. Yet, disruption does not have to mean despair. Instead, we must keep the focus on the twin foundations of repair and prepare. This time last year, the world was still seeking a vaccine. Today, we have quite a few. Similarly, we have to continue repairing health infrastructure and our economies,” said Prime Minister Modi.

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“We in India, implemented huge reforms across sectors, be it mining, space, banking, atomic energy and more. This goes on to show that India as a nation is adaptable and agile, even in the middle of the pandemic. And, when I say - prepare-I mean: Insulating our planet against the next pandemic. Ensuring we focus on sustainable life-styles that stop ecological degradation,” he added.

Calling upon the start-up community to take the lead, Prime Minister Modi said the challenges our planet faces can only be overcome with a collective spirit and a human centric approach.

“The start-up space is dominated by youngsters. These are people free from the baggage of the past. They are best placed to power global transformation,” he added.

Stating that history has shown that leadership in new technology drives economic strength, jobs and prosperity, Prime Modi said “our partnerships must also serve a larger purpose in service of humanity”.

“This pandemic is not only a test of our resilience, but also of our imagination. It is a chance to build a more inclusive, caring and sustainable future for all. Like President Macron, I have faith in the power of science and the possibilities of innovation to help us achieve that future,” he added.

Prime Minister Modi said this has been seen during the Covid-19 global pandemic, which is the “biggest disruption of our age” that where convention fails, innovation can help.

“Where convention fails, innovation can help. This has been seen during the global pandemic - the biggest disruption of our age. All nations suffered losses and felt anxiety about the future: PM @narendramodi,” BJP Live posted.

“All nations have suffered loss and felt anxiety about the future. COVID-19 put many of our conventional methods to test. However, it was innovation that came to the rescue,” the Prime Minister added while referring to the pre-existing advances which helped the world during the pandemic.