Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation on his monthly Mann Ki Baat radio programme today. The address comes in the backdrop of India crossing grim milestones daily by registering a record number of a daily surge in Covid cases in the world. The second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic has crippled every state and the country is gasping for breath facing the acute shortage of oxygen.

PM Modi said, "After successfully tackling the first wave of COVID19, the country's morale was high but this storm has shaken the country. To tackle this wave of COVID, I have held meetings with experts from many fields like pharma industry, oxygen production, etc."

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PM Modi said that during this time of crisis the central government is taking important steps to help the state government and the oxygen manufacturers, medical staffs are working tirelessly to provide an adequate amount of Covid equipments in the country.

PM Modi appealed to everyone appeal to seek information on COVID 19 through reliable sources only. PM said, "I am seeing many doctors have taken to social media to share information on COVID19 and are also offering consultations."

PM Modi urged the citizens to get vaccinated as inoculation centre are now open for all adults. PM said that free vaccine has been provided to all the states by the centre and everyone should take advantage of that.

PM Modi said, "I urge people to not fall prey to any rumour about vaccine. You all must be aware that Govt of India has sent free vaccine to all State Govts. All people above 45 yrs of age can benefit from this. From May 1st, vaccines will be available for every person above 18 years of age."

PM Modi also said that the country's corporate sector can also participate in vaccine drive by getting their employees vaccinated.

He also said that the Govt of India's free vaccination program will continue in the future too. So, states to ensure the benefits of this free vaccination program reaches as many people as possible.

On Sunday, India reported another grim global record Sunday with 349,691 new daily infections over the past 24 hours. It also recorded a single-day toll of 2,767 fatalities.