New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed BJP members on the party's 44th foundation day on Thursday and said that the ruling party is working day and night for India. He remarked, "Our party is dedicated to “Maa Bharti”, Constitution, and the Nation."

"Today India is realising its potential just like the power of lord Hanuman. BJP party gets inspiration from lord Hanuman to fight corruption, law, and order. If we see the whole life of lord Hanuman, he had a “Can Do” attitude that helped him in bringing all kinds of success," PM Modi said.

"Our party and our party workers consistently derive inspiration from the values and teachings of Hanuman Ji. India has emerged much stronger to face the ocean-like big challenges. On Hanuman Jayanti, I pray for his blessings to all," he added.

The Prime Minster hit out at the opposition saying, "They (the Opposition) had never imagined that Article 370 would be history one day. They cannot digest the works BJP is doing. Today, they have become so desperate that they have openly started saying 'Modi teri kabra khudegi (Modi your grave will be dug)'."

He slammed leaders who have "baadshahi" mindset, saying they have been insulting the poor, backward, and deprived since 2014.

PM Modi cited the free ration scheme among welfare measures by his government to assert that social justice is an article of faith for the BJP. "BJP believes in social justice. 80 crore people get free benefits under PM Anna Yojana. People also get benefits from Jan Dhan Yojana and other govt schemes. This is social justice that BJP is doing but the opposition party only thinks about their family," he remarked.

He underlined the party's commitment to rid India of corruption, nepotism, and law and order challenges.

"We have made the mantra of 'Nation First' our motto. The BJP is working with the mantra of 'Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, and Sabka Prayas' (everyone's support, everyone's development, everyone's faith, and everyone's effort)," the former Gujarat chief minister said.

ALSO READ | UP CM Yogi Adityanath Hoists BJP Flag On Party's 44th Foundation Day In Lucknow. WATCH

BJP Foundation Day Celebrations

During the foundation day celebration, the party will use wall writing to promote its campaign for its reelection in the Lok Sabha elections next year.

"We have close to a year to go before the next general elections and the BJP is on the cusp of creating history by forming a government for the third time in a row. The address by our tallest leader will act as a guiding force and motivate us to give in our best in the years and months to come. We are looking forward to the 'margdarshan' by Modi ji on this auspicious occasion of our foundation day," a senior BJP official told ANI.

After its president JP Nadda launches the exercise from the national capital at noon, BJP members will write slogans such as "Ek Baar Phir Se Modi Sarkar" and "Ek Baar Phir Se Bhajpa Sarkar" on walls in over 10.72 lakh locations, the party's national general secretary Tarun Chugh told reporters.

In addition, he provided reporters with an overview of the specifics of the "social justice week" that the party will observe between its founding day and Bhim Rao Ambedkar's birthday on April 14.  To honor Ambedkar, a freedom fighter, social reformer, economist, and architect of India's constitution, the BJP will hold national commemoration events.

Chugh stated that party members will also observe the birthday of social reformer Jyotiba Phule on April 11.

He said that the prime minister's address will be broadcast live at over 10 lakh locations across the country, praising Modi for his government's efforts to help the poor and advance the country.

On April 6, 1980, members of the former Jana Sangh left the Janata Party in order to form a new party.