As normal petrol prices breached the Rs 100-mark for the first time in India, conversations are all around if some kind of relief can be provided by the centre and states easing the burden on the common man. Amid minor protest by Congress workers on the fuel hike, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a jab at the government of past for putting India's dependence high on energy import.
Addressing an online event to inaugurate oil and gas projects in Tamil Nadu, PM Modi emphasized that India has the capacity to become self-reliant in the energy sector but this subject should have been touched up by the government of past already.
IN PICS | Petrol Hits Century: Price Breaches Rs 100-Mark In Rajasthan, First Time Ever In India
"Can a diverse and talented nation like ours be so energy import-dependent?" PM Modi said. "I do not want to criticise anyone but I want to say (that) had we focused on this subject much earlier, our middle-class would not be burdened," he said.
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While referring that India imported over 85 per cent of its oil needs in the 2019-20 financial year and 53 per cent of its gas requirement, Prime Minister said India is looking to reduce energy import dependence through capacity building.
"In 2019-20, we were fourth in the world in (oil) refining capacity. About 65.2 million tonnes of petroleum product have been exported. This number is expected to rise even further," he added.
"Today, India is increasing the share of energy from renewable sources. By 2030, 40 per cent of all energy will be generated from green energy sources," PM mentioned as he highlighted India's focus now is towards using renewable sources of energy.