Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday addressed Lok Sabha on the security breach incident that occurred on Wednesday inside the House. He said everyone has condemned the "unfortunate" incident and the Speaker took cognisance and ordered a probe into the same. He also advised the MPs to be cautious while issuing the passes for parliament and see it is not issued to someone who could create a ruckus. The opposition kept shouting while the minister delivered his statement.

He added that precautions are also being taken to prevent incidents like this in the future. Singh said incidents like this have happened in the old building as well and all should condemn this. "...since a probe has been need to create chaos inside parliament," he said amid shouting by opposition MPs.

The house was adjourned till 2 PM soon after his statement as opposition benches continued shouting. The leaders of the opposition earlier moved notices in both Houses seeking a statement from PM Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah over the security breach incident and also demanded a discussion over the same.

A man, Sagar Sharma, jumped from the visitor's gallery in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday while the other opened gas cannisters releasing yellow smoke blanketing the entire house.

MPs of various parties have raised concerns over the incident that occurred on the 22nd anniversary of the terror attack on Parliament.

Congress MP Shashi Tharoor said the members of the House are very concerned about what happened on Wednesday. "There is a genuine sense that even if yesterday was only smoke, it could have been worse. If somebody can do that with smoke, they can also bring a bomb, grenade anything else more serious. The feeling was that this a matter the government is not taking seriously enough, that the Home Minister should come and brief Parliament what arrangements are being contemplated and analysis by the government of the situation. Home Minister was not there, and the opposition decided that in the absence of a serious effort by the government to be accountable for the security lapse, they would therefore disrupt the House (Lok Sabha)," he added.

Meanwhile, on the opposition's demand of Home Minister's statement, Union minister Kaushal Kishore said, "The security lapse is unfortunate. Lok Sabha Speaker will hold discussions today as well. The Speaker has also said that the security of the House is the responsibility of the Lok Sabha Secretariat, not the government. Hence, there is no reason for Amit Shah ji to make a statement on this."

ALSO READ | Lok Sabha Security Lapse: How Parliament Visitor Passes Are Issued And What Rule Book Says