Amidst the outrage over the viral video of two Manipur women being paraded naked by a few men that went viral on the social media, the Monsoon session of Parliament began on Thursday. The session is expected to be stormy with the BJP and opposition parties sharpening attacks on each other as they gear up for a host of assembly polls this year and the Lok Sabha elections next year. Manipur crisis and ordinance over control of services in Delhi are likely to be the key issues of discussion apart from inflation and alleged misuse of investigative agencies.

Tension mounted in violence-hit Manipur after a purported May 4 video, showing two women from one of the warring communities being paraded naked by a few men from the other side, went viral on the social media on Wednesday, news agency PTI reported. Political leaders condemned the incident and demanded the state government and Centre to take action against the culprits.

Opposition leaders demanding the President's Rule to be imposed in the state and the sacking of Chief Minister Biren Singh. Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar on Thursday urged the government to take strict action over the matter. Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Priyanka Chaturvedi has also hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Women & Child Welfare Development Minister Smriti Irani and said that this will be the first issue to be raised at Parliament today.

Meanwhile, the BJP-led NDA government at the Center on Wednesday convened an all-party meeting to discuss issues for the monsoon session of Parliament. According to PTI, the meeting aims to deliberate on a range of issues related to the session.  Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla chaired the meeting.

Notably, the all-party meeting is a customary get-together on the eve of a session's start as various parties put across their issues at the meeting attended by senior government ministers. 

In the meeting, the government said that it is willing to discuss every issue permitted under the rules and approved by the Chair in Parliament's Monsoon Session. The Centre has listed 31 proposals, including the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill, for discussion in 17 sittings till the end of the monsoon session on August 11.

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