New Delhi: After days of Omicron being declared as a "variant of concern" by the World Health Organization (WHO), India has reported their first cases.

Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Union Health Ministry informed media persons on Thursday that two cases of Omicron variant have been reported in the country and both the cases are from Karnataka. Of the 2 patients in whom the Omicron case has been confirmed is a 66-year-old male while the other is a 46-year-old male. Their contacts have been traced and are being tested, Health Ministry informed.

Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Lav Agarwal informed that 373 Omicron cases have been reported in the world so far in 29 countries. The Omicron variant spreads faster than the beta and delta variants. According to WHO, 45 to 52 mutations have been seen in this variant.  

"All primary, secondary contacts of both Omicron cases detected in Karnataka have been traced and are being tested," Lav Agarwal said.

"Two cases of Omircron detected in Karnataka so far through genome sequencing effort of INSACOG consortium of 37 laboratories established by the Ministry of Health. We need not panic, but awareness is absolutely essential. COVID apt behaviour is required." Balram Bhargava, DG ICMR said during the presser.

Lav Aggarwal said that RT-PCR test is being done for all the passengers coming from at-risk countries. If a passenger tests positive for Coronavirus, then he/she is treated as per the guidelines.  If the report comes negative then they are quarantined for seven days.

According to the list updated on November 30, the at-risk countries are European countries, UK, South Africa, Brazil, Botswana, China, Mauritius, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Singapore, Hong Kong and Israel.