New Delhi: In the last 48 hours, three foreign nationals tested positive for coronavirus in Uttar Pradesh’s Vrindavan. Their samples had been sent for genome sequencing to test for the variant of the virus. The three people are from Lithuania, Spain, and Switzerland. 

All the three foreign nationals a 30-year-old woman from Lithuania, a 44-year-old Spanish woman, and a 47-year-old Swiss man — were Krishna devotees and were staying at Girdhar Dham in Vrindavan. Two locals have also tested positive along with the three foreigners. 

Dr Bhudev, Nodal in charge of the rapid response team said, “the foreign nationals from Lithuania, Spain, and Switzerland tested positive for coronavirus in the RT-PCR tests conducted prior to their scheduled departure to their native countries.” 

He said that the Girdhar Dham has been declared a containment zone. 

ALSO AN ANP LIVE | South Africa Returnee Tests Covid Positive In Maharashtra's Dombivali. Sample Sent To Check For Omicron

In the wake of the Omicron variant of coronavirus, the Central Government is adopting precautions in resuming international flights. After more than 20 months, the Centre had announced the resumption of international flights from December 15.

But with the detection of Omicron strain, the government has released new guidelines for the arrival of international flights by preparing an ‘at risk’ list and removing exemptions for fully vaccinated travellers. 

Countries under the ‘At Risk’ list include all those countries where the omicron variant has been detected.

The list includes the United Kingdom, entire Europe, South Africa, Bangladesh, Botswana, China, Mauritius, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Singapore, Israel, and Hong Kong, as reported by PTI.

All the people arriving from these countries or in transit will undergo an RT-PCR test on arrival. They will be allowed to leave the airport or board their connecting flights after the results.

If they are found to be positive with the Omicron variant, then they will be taken to a medical facility for isolation. If any other variant would be found, then the further course of action will be at the discretion of the doctor according to the patient's condition.