New Delhi: India recorded more than 6.3 times increase in Covid-19 cases in the last eight days, the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry on Wednesday said while assserting that Omicron was the predominant circulating strain in the country

Lav Agrawal, Joint Secretary, Health Ministry, said there has been a sharp increase seen in case positivity from 0.79% on December 29, 2021, to 5.03% on January 5.

The Joint Secretary said the states of concern are Maharashtra, West Bengal, Delhi, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Jharkhand and Gujarat where there has been a rise in Covid-19 cases.

“28 districts in the country are reporting more than 10% weekly positivity,” Agrawal told a media briefing.

The Joint Secretary said that 25.2 lakh cases were recorded globally on January 4, the highest ever since the onset of the pandemic.

“Approximately 65% of cases in the week ending 4th January reported from the USA, UK, France, Italy and Spain,” he added, ANI reported.

The senior bureaucrat further said 108 Omicron-related deaths have been reported globally so far.

Agrawal further said 7.40 crore children between 15 to 18 years eligible for Covid-19 vaccination.

The Joint Secretary’s remarks come as India reported 58,097 fresh Covid-19 cases, 15,389 recoveries, and 534 deaths in the last 24 hours. The daily positivity rate has jumped to 4.18%.

There are 2,14,004 active cases in the country, while 3,43,21,803 people have so far recovered. The death toll currently stands at 4,82,551   

With the administration of 96,43,238 vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, India’s Covid-19 vaccination coverage has exceeded 147.72 crores as per provisional reports till 7 am today, the Union Health Ministry said in a release, adding this has been achieved through 1,58,21,510 sessions.

Meanwhile, Dr V.K. Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog, said the precautionary Covid-19 vaccine dose will be the same vaccine as has been given previously.

“Those who have received Covaxin will receive Covaxin, those who have received primary two doses of Covishield will receive Covishield,” he added.

Dr Paul’s remarks come as India will be administering the ‘precaution dose’ of the Covid vaccine to frontline workers and senior citizens with comorbidities beginning January 10.

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICRM) Director General Dr Balram Bhargava on his part said Omicron detecting RT-PCR kit has been developed in partnership with Tata MD and ICMR.

He added that this kit, which has been approved by the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI), will give results in four hours.