New Delhi: A driver working with cab aggregator Ola Cabs was brutally murdered by unidentified men and his body dumped in Bawana canal in west Delhi, police said on Thursday.

An Ola cab driver has since been detained for questioning.

Police said Salimuddin, a native of Haryana's Mewat area, was killed on Monday though police came to know of the crime on Tuesday when an accidental car was found parked at a desolate place in Bawana area.

"A blade, knives, cutters and human hair were found in the rear seat of the cab, following which its owner Hamid was summoned," a senior police officer said.

Hamid told us that his driver Salimuddin was missing and his personal mobile phone and another phone linked to Ola service app were also found switched off.

"He said that when he could not contact Salimuddin he sought the help from Ola representatives but they did not help him," the officer said.

Police investigation revealed that the cab was booked by five persons from Kashmiri Gate ISBT to travel to Murthal in Haryana. Thereafter, his location was not be tracked since Salimuddin's mobile phone was switched off by his attackers. The body was found near Haidarpur.

"Prima facie, it appears to be a case of personal enmity. We are trying to find the killers. We have detained an Ola cab driver whose mobile phone was used to book the cab," the officer said.

Ola Cabs, in a statement, said: "It is very disturbing news. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of the deceased. We are in constant touch with the police to help them investigate the case. We hope that the criminals will be caught at the earliest."