Jaipur: In a bizarre incident, a groom walked out of his wedding after the bride's family did not serve mutton to the groom's guests at the feast in in Jajpur's Sukinda on Wednesday, and later married another woman of the area before returning home. 

According to media reports, the 27-year-old man identified as Ramakant Patra is a resident of Rebanapalaspal in neighbouring Keonjhar district, who reached Bandhagaon village in Sukinda block with the baraatis for his wedding. Upon their arrival, the bride's family welcomed the baraatis and once the the rituals were done, the wedding guests were invited for lunch. 

The New Indian Express report claims that the baraatis had demanded mutton curry in the feast however, finding no mutton curry on the lunch menu, they got into an argument with the bride's family. 

When the groom learned that mutton curry was not served for lunch, he refused to carry on with the marriage ceremony and left the venue with his kin. 

The bride's family tried to convince Patra to go ahead with the wedding but in vain. Later, the groom and his family visited a relative’s house in Gandhapala village of Kuhika panchayat in Sukinda and deicded to marry another woman of Phulajhara in Tamka the same night before returning to his home.

No police complaint has been lodged yet regarding the matter.