Jammu: A day after two low-intensity attacks at in the technical area of Jammu Air Force Station, the alert troops spotted two separate drone activities over Ratnuchak- Kaluchak Military area on last night.  

Lt Col Devender Anand, PRO, Defence Wing in an official statement confirmed the development saying that on midnight of 27-28 June 2021, two separate Drone activities were spotted over Ratnuchak- Kaluchak Military area by alert troops. 

Immediately, high alert was sounded and Quick Reaction Teams engaged them with firing.  

Both the Drones flew away. A major threat thwarted by the alertness and proactive approach of troops. The security forces are on high alert and the search operation is in progress.

The incident happened hours after two low-intensity explosions were reported early Sunday morning in the technical area of Jammu Air Force Station. At least two Indian Air Force personnel were injured while the roof of a building was damaged in what is suspected to be a terror attack.  

The first blast ripped off the roof of a single-storey building at the technical area of the airport manned by the IAF in the Satwari area of the city. The second one was on the ground, officials said. He informed that police, IAF, and other agencies and investigating the attack.  

Several media reports have claimed that helicopters of the Indian Air Force at technical area near the hangars were at the target. The authorities are also investigating a possible role of Pakistan based terrorist outfit.