Kashmir: Soon after three SPOs were found killed by terrorists in Shopian, there was a string of resignations. As per sources, so far 35 SPOs, who fear for their lives have handed over their resignation papers. Several videos have also been posted on social media informing about it.

The Ministry of Home Affairs however declined to the same. In a statement issued by MHA, saying no policeman has resigned in Jammu and Kashmir following the killing of three police personnel by Hizbul Mujahideen.

The Home Ministry said Jammu and Kashmir has a professional and committed police force, which is fully geared up to meet the security challenges, including those related to the forthcoming panchayat and urban body elections.

The terrorists have been adopting the same method in the past to dissuade police officials and Army jawans from working against them. Very recently, terrorists had kidnapped 9 soldiers in North Kashmir; who were later rescued safely.

The incident comes days after an audio clip was sent by Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists threatening to kill policemen unless they posted their resignations on social media.

Three SPOs and one Police Constable's brother belonging to Jammu and Kashmir police had gone missing in Shopian district recently. All three SPOs were later found dead, with bullet-ridden bodies after a search operation was launched to find them.