NEW DELHI: Justice C.S. Karnan, who made history on March 31 by becoming the first high court judge to face the Supreme Court on contempt charges, on Monday 'sentenced' Chief Justice of India J S Khehar and seven other judges of the Supreme Court to five years rigorous imprisonment.

Justice Karnan, who was transferred to Calcutta High Court earlier this year from the Madras High Court after making a series of allegations about his fellow judges there, awarded the 'sentence' saying that eight judges have "jointly committed the offences punishable under the SC/ST Atrocities Act of 1989 and amended Act of 2015."

He named members of the apex court's seven-judge bench, comprising the Chief Justice of India, Justices Dipak Misra, J Chelameswar, Ranjan Gogoi, Madan B Lokur, Pinaki Chandra Ghose and Kurian Joseph.

The 12-page "order" said the accused have "committed" an offence "punishable under the SC/ST Atrocities Act of 1989 and amended Act of 2015".

He alleged that the eight judges "have operated judicial and adminstrative power and harassed a dalit judge besides insulting me at a public institution. The same has been proved beyond all the reasonable doubt from their orders.

"Hence, an adjudication is not required in the instant case," Justice Karnan said.

He also imposed fines of Rs 1 lakh on three counts under three-sub-sections of section 3 of the SC/ST Atrocities Act on all the eight judges.

The Supreme Court had also ordered the medical examination of Justice Karnan, who has repeatedly defied its orders despite contempt proceedings pending against him.

Attorney-general Mukul Rohatgi had demanded firm action against Justice Karnan, saying he was "cocking a snook" at the judiciary.

The apex court had in February issued a contempt notice to Justice Karnan who had accused several judges of Madras High Court, where he had earlier served, and a Supreme Court judge of corruption and nepotism. He had also complained of a casteist approach towards him for being a Dalit.

Instead of appearing before the apex court, Justice Karnan had sent a letter to the Supreme Court registry, questioning the authority and powers of the constitution bench to initiate contempt of court proceedings against him.

On February 8, Justice Karnan was divested of all judicial and administrative functions by the seven-judge constitution bench of the Supreme Court. Hence, all orders subsequently passed by him are void ab initio (invalid from the very outset) and non est (does not exist).