New Delhi: Covid-19 cases have gradually started surging in Delhi-NCR, reveals health bulletins released by authorities last week. Even on Thursday, Uttar Pradesh's Gautam Buddh Nagar recorded as many as forty-four fresh cases of Coronavirus, out of which 15 were children.

With today's tally, the number of active cases in the district has now crossed the 100-mark to reach 121.

As per the latest figures, 44 fresh Covid infections were recorded since Wednesday 6 am, 13 out of which even got cured during the period.

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"Of the new cases, 15 children were found positive. None of these children were reported from any school," Chief Medical Officer Dr. Sunil Kumar Sharma told news agency PTI.

Children are frequently getting infected with Coronavirus in Noida. Yesterday around 10 children tested positive for Covid-19. So far, nearly 30 children have been infected with the virus in a week.

On the backdrop of increasing cases, the health department had on Wednesday issued an advisory asking all schools across Noida and Greater Noida to immediately inform about any child with cough, cold, fever, diarrhoea or showing any symptom of Covid-19 for timely treatment.

Several schools were briefly shut in Noida and even in Ghaziabad due to the sudden rise in Covid cases.

The school will remain closed from April 11-13 as a precautionary measure. However, the online mode of classes will continue for the next three days.

According to official data, around 1 lakh people have tested positive for Covid-19 in Gautam Buddh Nagar since the outbreak of the pandemic out of which 490 have died.

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Covid-19 caseload has also witnessed a surge in neighbouring cities including Delhi and Gurugram. Delhi on Wednesday recorded a steep rise of nearly 50 per cent in daily Covid cases over the previous day as the city registered 299 fresh infections.

Meanwhile, Gurugram too witnessed a surge in daily cases with the city logging 128 new Covid-19 infections after nearly 40 days. The active caseload in Gurugram has climbed up to 325.