New Delhi: Urging the people not to panic despite the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in Delhi, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday said all new cases are mild and asymptomatic.

“Covid-19 cases are increasing rapidly in Delhi, but there is no need to panic. Currently, the active cases in the city are 6,360. 3,100 new cases expected to be reported today,” Kejriwal said.

“Only 246 hospital beds were occupied yesterday. All cases are mild and asymptomatic,” he added.

Throwing light on the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government’s preparedness to battle the surge in Covid cases, Kejriwal said: “As of now, only 82 oxygen beds in hospitals are occupied. Delhi government is prepared will 37,000 beds.”

“I just want to tell you that all new cases are with mild symptoms, asymptomatic, so there is no need to panic,” he added, ANI reported.

The Chief Minister’s statement came a day after Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain said it will be reviewed whether further Covid-related restrictions need to be imposed in the national capital.

“We have put the restrictions in place. In other states, only night curfew has been imposed. But in Delhi, we have shut down schools, multiplexes, etc.,” Jain said, PTI reported.

“In April and May when the second (Covid) wave had hit Delhi, a large chunk of people were getting admitted. But currently the hospitalisations are less. Further restrictions will be reviewed,” he added.

Stating the national capital is fully prepared to inoculate children in the 15-18 age group against Covid-19, Jain said: “Delhi has appropriate and enough infrastructure and vaccination centres to vaccinate three lakh people a day. The Delhi government is fully prepared to vaccinate children between 15-18 years of age.”

“We have a full stock of booster (precaution) doses available for the vaccination of the people of Delhi,” he added.

Asserting “prevention is better than cure and people need to keep themselves safe at all times”, the Health Minister said: “It should be our responsibility to wear masks at all times whenever we are heading outside our homes, this will help us to stop the further spread of coronavirus.”

Earlier on Saturday, Delhi recorded 2,716 fresh Covid cases and one death.

The positivity rate, as per a data shared by the health department, mounted to 3.64 percent.