New Delhi: In view of rising cases of Omicron variant of Covid-19 in the national capital, Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain said that the situation regarding hospital bed occupancy was under control and lockdown was not required. “Delhi is in a comfortable position in terms of hospital bed occupancy. No need for a lockdown right now.”

Jain said that the number of cases in Delhi is high because a large number of people were being tested for Covid-19. "We have been conducting a large number of tests. If we don't do that, the new cases can reduce to 500-1,000. A lot of people (states) don't conduct tests and say they don't have cases. We have been transparent," Jain said. 

He claimed that they were conducting the maximum number of tests in the country. 

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Responding to a question, Jain said that a few health workers have tested positive in the city but the number was not alarming. 

On being asked whether the government was considering a lockdown, the Minister said that stringent actions have already been taken in Delhi, including night curfew and weekend curfew. “ There is no need for a lockdown right now,” he said.