Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday lashed out at Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for allying with the Congress and Lalu Yadav's Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD). Shah said that Nitish Kumar was spurred by his ambition of becoming the Prime Minister, which is why he had allied with the Congress, which he had "opposed his entire life".

"Nitish Kumar, who spent his entire life opposing Congress, is taking the shelter of Sonia Gandhi only because of the greed for Prime Minister's post," Amit Shah was quoted as saying by ANI at a public meeting in Patna, Bihar.

Shah further hit out at the BIhar CM, saying that the latter has been sitting in RJD Supremo Lalu Yadav's lap to fulfill his "greed for the PM's chair". "Nitish Kumar, who broke the Janata Party, because he wanted to fight against Lalu Yadav's politics of casteism & corruption is now sitting in the lap of Lalu Yadav in the fascination for Prime Minister's post," Shah said.

Earlier, addressing a public meeting in Champaran Shah responded to the allegation of ‘step-motherly treatment by the Centre’ levelled by Bihar Deputy CM Tejashwi Yadav. Shah said that under PM Narendra Modi’s government, over Rs 1 lakh crore had been disbursed for Bihar. Shah said, "PM Modi gave three projects worth Rs 15,000 crores to Bihar. When Lalu Yadav & Nitish Kumar were in the Union Ministry under the UPA government how much money did they give to Bihar? Modi Ji gave Rs 1,09,000 crore."

He also lashed out at the Bihar government over deaths due to illicit liquor. He further said, "The only way to get rid of the 'Jungle Raj' in Bihar is by making Narendra Modi the Prime Minister again by the two-third majority. Every day we hear reports of rape and murder. I want people of Bihar to give Nitish Kumar and his government a lesson."