NEW DELHI: Calling it a "rarest of rare" case that sent a "tsunami of shock" all over, the Supreme Court on Friday upheld the death sentence on all four convicts in the Nirbhaya gang-rape case.

"If ever a case called for hanging, this was it," the court said.

Welcoming the court verdict Nirbhaya's mother said, "justice can be delayed but will always prevail". She added saying any one who is fighting for justice must not lose hope must continue their fight, for one who fights whole-hardheartedly would always attain victory.

Even Nirbahaya's father sounded extremely relived by the judgement and said, "It's a victory for my family and I am very happy with the judgment".

Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said SC verdict in gangrape case is a victory of the rule of law.

Lauding the verdict, Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjwewala told ANI, "Nirbhaya's case would remain an example, a deterrent, to all the sexual predators that law and justice for the victims of sexual exploitation and rape will always be delivered, come what may. It is also a reminder to the society and lawmakers to work towards building a safe environment for our women."

Commending the SC verdict, Union Minister for Women and Child Development Maneka Gandhi said that even though justice was delayed it has finally been delivered.

"I am happy that the verdict has been upheld and I wish it had come sooner. But, five years is not a long time by legal standards in India," Maneka told ANI.

Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chairperson Swati Maliwal has asserted that the verdict has emboldened all the women in the country.

"This is not just the fight of one 'Nirbhaya' but many others in the country. The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) welcomes this particular verdict which was very important. The Supreme Court today, by giving death sentence to all the rapists of Nirbhaya, has in a way emboldened all the women in the country. This verdict is compared to a tight slap to the rapists who thinks that they can let go even after a heinous crime," Maliwal was quoted by the news agency as saying.

CPIM leader Brinda Karat said, "In principle I am against death penalty, but this was such a heinous crime that maximum punishment was needed".

Lawyer and Social activist Abha Singh stated that Justice Dipak Misra has brought justice to the country and a smile on every woman's face.

"Nirbhaya's gangrape and murder is the most heinous offence which has happened in the history of India. Today, the way Supreme Court has upheld death penalty meted out to the rapist clearly shows that the judiciary is with the women of this country and the government is sending a strong message, that criminal law is for deterrence. Justice Dipak Misra has brought justice to the country and a smile on every woman's face," she said.

(With inputs from ANI)