Even as the Covid-19 cases in India are steadying, threat from a new strain of coronavirus has gripped the nation. The new mutated strain of coronavirus was detected in the UK and is said to be spreading at a 'faster rate', creating global panic.  Most European nations have already imposed temporary ban on travelling to the UK, even India has taken strict measures to fight the new threat.

While it is being informed that the new strain of coronavirus is not detected in samples tested in India, states are leaving no stones unturned ahead of the new year gatherings. Most states witnessed a resurge in cases during the festive season, hence steps being taken to avoid large gathering for new year celebrations.

Check state protocols in New Year


Maharashtra has announced a seven-hour night curfew across the state from December 22nd to January 5th. With people ringing the bell at midnight, there will be no midnight celebration in Mumbai this year. In fact, on the Christmas eve churches in Mumbai will not organise any open-air masses and the number of visitors in churches will also be monitored. The masses have to be conducted by 8pm and not more than 200 people will be allowed in each mass. Meanwhile, the Standard Operating Procedures for restaurants in Mumbai will continue to be the same.

Tamil Nadu

Amid the fear of new strain of virus, people in Tamil Nadu will not be able to welcome and celebrate new year at major public places. The state government has restricted celebrations on December 31 and January 1, 2021 in restaurant, clubs, pubs, resorts, beach resorts, beaches.  The popular destination Marina Beach will remain inaccessible for New Year party celebrations. However, there is no curfew in Tamil Nadu. Restaurants, pub, clubs and resorts will remain open and function normally adhering to Covid-19 guidelines.


Karnataka has also prohibited prohibited celebratory programmes between December 30 and January 2. However, there will be no restrictions on pubs, clubs and restaurants in carrying out normal operations in a routine way. Organisers and supervisors at Churches have to ensure that large number of people don’t gather at a time and social distance is maintained.


In order to contain the pandemic, the Rajasthan government has decided to impose Diwali -like restrictions on New Year’s Eve. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot appealed to people to celebrate New Year’s Eve at home and avoid bursting firecrackers or gathering outside.  “People should celebrate New Year with family in their house, avoid overcrowding and do not burst fire crackers. It is necessary for the health of oneself and others. Rajasthan will strictly follow the directions issued by Supreme Court for all the states regarding corona,” chief minister Ashok Gehlot tweeted.


The Uttarakhand government has announced that bars, hotels, and other public places won't be permitted to organise programmes, parties, and public gatherings on the occasion of Christmas, New Year's eve, and January 1, 2021.  Earlier on December 18, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat tested positive for coronavirus.

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