On the occasion of New Year 2021, Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended greetings to all the countrymen hoping for a spirit of wellness to prevail. Not only Prime Minister Modi, but President Kovind, Rajnath Singh and several other leaders took to their Twitter handles to extend wishes for the new year.

"Wishing you a happy 2021! May this year bring good health, joy and prosperity. May the spirit of hope and wellness prevail," Prime Minister Modi tweeted.

President Ram Nath Kovind expressed hope that the people of the country will move ahead with renewed energy to achieve the common goal of the country's progress.

Taking to Twitter, the President in a series of tweets said that challenges that arose out of the COVID-19 situation strengthen the country's determination to move forward together.

"Happy New Year everyone! New Year provides an opportunity to make a fresh beginning and resolve for individual and collective development. Challenges arising out of COVID-19 situation strengthen our determination to move forward unitedly," the official Twitter account of Rashtrapati Bhavan tweeted.

"Let us continue to work together for creating an inclusive society filled with the spirit of love and compassion that promotes peace and goodwill. May all of you remain safe and healthy, and march ahead with renewed energy to achieve the common goal of our nation's progress," Rashtrapati Bhavan said in another tweet.

President in his greetings to citizens on the eve of New Year 2021 urged them to work together towards creating an inclusive society instilled with the spirit of love, compassion, and forbearance that promotes peace and goodwill.

In his message, he said the difficult time arising out of the COVID-19 situation is a time for people to move forward in a united manner.

Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh tweeted: “Happy New Year to you and your entire family. May the year 2021 bring happiness, prosperity and good health in everyone’s lives.”

Welcoming the New Year, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi took a veiled dig at the BJP-led Central government and said his heart is with the farmers and labourers who are fighting 'unjust forces'. "As the New Year begins, we remember those who we lost and thank all those who protect and sacrifice for us. My heart is with the farmers and labourers fighting unjust forces with dignity and honour. Happy New Year to all," the Congress leader tweeted.