In a significant breakthrough, a member of the Vikrant Deshmukh gang who has been wanted in connection with a murder case dating back four years has been arrested in Maharashtra's Navi Mumbai, according to news agency PTI. The accused identified as Rakesh Janardhan Koli and a few other members allegedly abducted Sachin Garje, a resident of the Nerul area, in September 2019 due to a longstanding feud.

Garje was subsequently murdered and his body disposed of in the Uran creek, as detailed by an official from the crime branch. According to PTI, the accused later fished out the body to burn to destroy any evidence then buried it underground near the creek.

According to The Times Of India, Vicky's four associates, namely Vikrant Koli (22), Narayan Pawale (27), Rupesh Zilare (37), and Tushar Koli (28), were apprehended in December 2019 by the investigating police officer at the time. Following the interrogation of four gang members, the police uncovered information about the disposal of the body, leading to its exhumation.

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The apprehension of these individuals confirmed the involvement of key suspects Vicky Deshmukh and his accomplices, namely Jitendra Deshmukh, Pritam Koli, Roshan Koli, Rakesh Koli, and Parshuram Mokal, as per TOI. Deshmukh had been apprehended in Goa in 2022, with additional associates being captured subsequently. 

Koli and his accomplices face charges under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Arms Act, with the stringent Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) also invoked against them.

Koli, listed as the 17th accused in the case, had been evading law enforcement, constantly relocating across different districts within the state.

Acting on a tip-off that he was scheduled to come to Ghavangaon, Uran, the police set a trap on Saturday, successfully apprehending him upon his arrival, as confirmed by the official, as per PTI.

On Sunday, he was presented before a local court, which remanded him to police custody until March 7.