New York: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday addressed the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. PM Modi started his speech with 'Namaskar' and said that it is a proud moment for him to speak here on the behalf of 130 crore people. "The world's largest democracy voted for my government and me. We came back to power with a bigger majority to represent them, giving me the opportunity to speak at the world stage on their behalf," PM Modi said.

"Our efforts are keeping 130 crore Indians at the center, but the dreams for which these efforts are being made are of the whole world, of every country, of every society. Efforts are for us, the results are for everyone, for the whole world," PM Modi said.

Speaking about India's attempt to restrict use of single use plastic, PM Modi said, "While I was coming here, I read on the walls of the United Nations No more single use plastic. I am delighted to inform you that we are running a big campaign in India to free the country of single use plastic."

"When a developing nation successfully carries out the biggest cleanliness drive of the world and provides more than 11 crore toilets to its people just within 5 years, that system gives a message of inspiration to the entire world, PM said.

"India's contribution towards United Nations Peace-keeping missions has been immense, no other country in the world has sacrificed as much as India has for these peace-keeping missions," PM Modi said.

Hitting out at Pakistan and Imran Khan indirectly, PM Modi said India did not give war to world, but wisdom and peace. "We believe that terrorism is not a challenge for any one country, but for all countries and of mankind as a whole. So for the sake of humanity, all the world has to unite against terror," Prime Minister said.

"The topics that India is raising, the new global forums that India has come forward to build, are the basis of global challenges, global themes and collective efforts to solve serious problems," PM added further in his 17 minutes long speech at world's biggest international podium.

PM Modi's Pakistani counterpart Imran Khan will too address the 74th session of UNGA later tonight. It is expected that Khan's primary focus will be on the Kashmir issue which it has been raising aggressively in several international forums.

Since the abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, Khan and Pakistani government has been crying foul that India was out to change the demography of Kashmir into a Hindu-majority one from the present Muslim majority state, under what he calls as the "Hindu fascist and supremacist" government of Modi.

India has been pursuing an active diplomatic outreach, both before the UNGA and also during the ongoing session, to present its case before the world community, the reasons for revocation of special status, its plans for bringing development to Kashmir and Pakistan's role in actively stymieing any development through fostering terrorism across the border.

US President Donald Trump, though he has several times suggested mediation on Kashmir, kept away from mentioning the issue in his speech, and has voiced confidence in Modi tackling cross-border terror. He has also "encouraged" Modi to improve relations with Islamabad and "fulfil his promises" to better the lives of the Kashmiri people, according to a readout of their bilateral meeting.

Khan has been raising the spectre of a massacre in Jammu and Kashmir once the curfew is lifted, in his meetings with the Human Rights Watch and the editorial staff of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, and his interview to CNBC. While PM Modi did not talk about Kashmir, a junior Indian diplomat is expected to counter Khan's statement at the UNGA in the right to reply.