Earlier this week, a major terror attack was thwarted by the Indian security forces with the killing of 4 Jaish terrorists in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. Now, top government sources have revealed that the terror attack was planned by ISI via Pakistan-based terrorist organization Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM). Top JeM Commanders Abdul Rauf, Abu Jundal, Ashgar Khan and others were present in the meeting that took place in Bahawalpur.

All weapons seized from Jammu and Kashmir's Nagrota encounter location resembled those used in Pulwama terror attack. As per the information received from the government sources, the terrorists, who were fidayeen, were planning a "major attack" on political leaders of Kashmir to target grassroot level democratic exercises in J&K.

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The four terrorists used 'Dark Night' to infiltrate fromPakistan. JeM Camp in Shakargarh is abt 30 kms from International Border and Pickup Point 8 Kms from International Border.

One of the AK 47 recovered from the location of the encounter has clear JeM written on it. CCTVs on highways have given out more video evidence, and are currently in custody of Security Agencies.

Pakistani made Mobiles, GPS, Wireless were recovered from the four terrorists. Also, Pakistani Medicines, Painkillers (to keep on fighting even hurt), Injections were recovered. The four also had a map on them, showing the distance of the pickup point from the International Border.

Nagrota Encounter: Evidence Show JeM Terrorists Were In Constant Touch With Pakistani Handlers Via SMS

The four Pakistan based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorists killed in Jammu and Kashmir's Nagrota encounter on Thursday, were in constant touch with Pakistani handlers via text messages through mobile phones. According to the sources, the police has recovered a digital mobile radio from the slain terrorists, which have shown some text messages from Pakistani handlers.

"Kahan phnche, kya soorte haal hai. Koi mushkil toh nahi (Where have you reached. What's the scene. I hope no trouble so far)" the messages exchanged between terrorists and Pakistani handlers read.

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India Asks Pakistan To Desist From Policy Of Supporting Terrorists

India has conveyed its strong concern to Pakistan after armed forces foiled the terror attack planned by JeM in Jammu and Kashmir.

India demanded that Pakistan desist from its policy of supporting terrorists and terror groups operating from its territory and dismantle the terror infrastructure operated by terrorist outfits to launch attacks in other countries.

"The Government of India is firmly and resolutely committed to taking all necessary measures to safeguard its national security in the fight against terrorism," the statement by MEA read.