NEW DELHI: After Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced the renaming of Faizabad district as Ayodhya and the Gujarat government has said it is considering on rechristening Ahmedabad as Karnavati, BJP Sangeet Som on Friday said that Muzaffarnagar will be renamed as Lakshmi Nagar. While speaking to news agency ANI, Som said “lot more cities will be renamed in the future. The name Muzaffarnagar was given by a Nawab named Muzaffar Ali and people have been demanding its name change since centuries."

Som, who is a BJP MLA from Sardhana Uttar Pradesh, also said that the Mughals have worked to eradicate India's culture, especially Hindutva. He said that BJP is now working to save culture and will move forward on it. He further added, “BJP is working just to safeguard and retain the Indian culture back in form by renaming the cities with their original names."

ALSO READ: Will rename Hyderabad to Bhagyanagar if BJP comes to power, says Legislator

Earlier, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had remained Faizabad district to Ayodhya. Speaking on this issue, Sangeet Som said “Congress must speak boldly that it is wrong to rename Allahabad as Prayagraj and Faizabad as Ayodhya. They should speak if they are against this decision. But they don’t have enough guts to speak, because they know that BJP is doing the right thing.”