New Delhi: Two major road accidents within 24 hours, one in Uttar Pradesh and the other in Madhya Pradesh, involving migrant labourers as the victims, have come as a shocker for the country, on Thursday. The two road mishaps have claimed lives of 14 workers, 8 in Madhya Pradesh’s Guna and 6 in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarngar accident.

In the road accident in Guna, Madhya Pradesh, 8 workers were killed and more than 50 were injured. They were all returning to Uttar Pradesh from Maharashtra. According to the information received, the injured have been admitted to the hospital. The accident took place when a bus collided with a container.
In Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh an uncontrolled bus of roadways has mowed down six migrant laborers to death. While six workers were reported to have died on the spot while 4 workers were critically injured. As per the initial information received, workers were going from Punjab to Gopalganj in Bihar on foot. The accident occurred close to the Muzaffarnagar Deoband Saharanpur highway toll plaza.

The workers who were travelling on foot were crushed by the bus speeding from behind. As per preliminary investigation, it has been found to be a case of drunk driving. All the injured were immediately rushed to district hospital for treatment, they were later referred to Meerut by the doctors where they are undergoing treatment.

The driver who was inebriated has been taken into custody by the police and an investigation has been initiated. Those killed in the accident have been identified as Harak Singh (51), his son Vikas (22), Guddu (18), Vasudev (22), Harish (28) and Virendra (28).

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