New Delhi: Due to a technical snag Mumbai local trains were delayed during the early morning rush hour, catching commuters off-guard. Local train services of the Western Railway were delayed because of the overhead electric wire breakdown between Dahisar-Borivali at 5:50 am all up trains were diverted through the local line. However, the problem was rectified at 7.23 am, an official told PTI, adding that trains resumed their normal operations.
Commuters were mostly office-goers, many of whom got down from trains and started walking along the tracks to reach their offices.
As some local trains halted en-route due to the snag, a number of passengers got down from the coaches and started walking along the tracks to reach their destinations. Some pictures of commuters walking along the tracks went viral on social media platforms.
According to PTI, the Central Railway and Western Railway operate around 3000 trains combined making the local trains the lifeline of the city as an estimate of 75 lakh commuters depend on them.