Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi on Thursday condemned the assault on two Army trainee officers from Mhow War College in Madhya Pradesh's Indore district. The two Army officers along with a women friend had gone for a picnic when armed miscreants held them hostage and gang-raped one of the women. 

"The violence against two army soldiers and the rape of their female companion in Madhya Pradesh is enough to shame the entire society," said the Congress leader on X. 

Cornering the Bharatiya Janata Party government in MP on the issue, Gandhi said that law and order in BJP-ruled states is almost "non-existent". 

"This audacity of the criminals is a result of the total failure of the administration and the unsafe environment prevailing in the country due to this is a restriction on the freedom and aspirations of the daughters of India," he added. 

Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati also termed the incident as "very shameful". " The situation is out of control because the government is not taking such heinous incidents seriously. The government should pay attention," she said.

"Forget about women's respect, the bigger the statements made about their safety, the more the incidents of heinous crimes against them that shame humanity continue to happen, this proves that the fear of law has vanished, especially among the anti-social and criminal elements, this is very sad and worrying," she added.