New Delhi: An 8-year-old boy, who fell into a 60-foot-deep borewell on Tuesday in Madhya Pradesh's Vidisha, died after authorities managed to bring him out. The boy, identified as Lokesh, fell into a 60-foot-deep borewell in MP's Vidisha district and got stuck at a depth of 43 feet, informed officials, as reported by the news agency ANI.

Speaking to ANI, DC Uma Shankar Bhargav said that despite best efforts the child could'nt be saved. He further said that Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has announced financial help of Rs 4 lakhs for the family of the child. "We tried our best but it is regrettable that we were not able to save the child. CM also expressed his grief & announced financial help of Rs 4 lakhs for the family of the child. We will surely take action against those who are culprits," Uma Shankar Bhargav said as quoted by ANI.

A rescue operation was underway and three teams of SDRF and 1 team of NDRF were on the spot, officials further said. Vidisha Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Sameer Yadav told ANI that oxygen is being supplied inside the borewell where the boy is trapped but the rescuers have been able to talk to the boy as yet.

"An 8-year-old boy in Vidisha fell into a 60-foot-deep borewell and got stuck at 43 feet. Three teams of SDRF and 1 team of NDRF are at the spot. The child is being monitored and oxygen is being supplied inside the borewell. We haven't been able to talk to him yet and neither has food been delivered to him," said Yadav, as quoted by ANI.

He said the incident happened around 11 am and the rescuers have noticed movement inside the borewell, indicating that the child was alive. "The incident took place around 11 am. Police and administration reached the spot immediately. Movements have been noticed inside the borewell and we are trying to pull the child out as early as possible," he said. The rescue team has dug 34 feet pit of a 49-foot pit to reach the child and rescue him, The SP further said.

"We are digging a 49-foot pit to reach the child. We have already managed to dig 34 feet. We are hopeful that the child will be rescued soon. We are continuously supplying oxygen and webcams have also been installed to locate the boy. The rescue operation started around 11:30 am," said Vidisha Collector Umashankar Bhargava, as quoted by ANI.

Speaking on the incident Deputy Commandant Anil Pal, NDRF said Excavation will be done first with a vertical and then with a horizontal approach. He also said that the boy will be rescued in 4-5 hours. “Excavation will be done first with a vertical and then with a horizontal approach. With the vertical approach, we have reached 43-44 feet. There is some movement seen in the baby, but no contact has been made yet. We will rescue him in 4-5 hours”, Deputy Commandant Anil Pal, NDRF, as quoted by ANI.