Uttar Pradesh: In spite of tall promises and assurances by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to bring the law and order situation of Uttar Pradesh on track, it is in shambles. In another shocking incident, BJP area head of Moradabad on Wednesday, barged into the police station and threatened the police station in-charge.

The leader Shivendra Gupta has also been accused of attacking the station in-charge with a sharp object; and tearing off his uniform.

This comes after CM had issued a statement to his minister to stay humble and not misuse power only days after taking charge of UP.

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The matter got ignited when Shivendra Gupta came to the police station to file a complaint regarding a caller who issued him death threat.

On being assured by the police officer that a probe would be launched on the same, he lost his cool and started lashing out at the police station head; using slurs like “Come out of the police station”, “you don’t know who I am”.

The matter got worse after Shivendra Gupta and his workers attacked police officer Amit Sharma in the police station.

A case has been registered against 40 BJP workers in the state for hitting a police officer, issuing threats and obstructing government work.