Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Tuesday confirmed the Janata Dal (United) will join the Union Cabinet. Kumar, who had earlier on several occasions denied his party joining the Union Cabinet, said JD (U) national president will take a final call on this.
“I have no knowledge about any formula but our party's national president has the authorization for this. He is the authorised person,” said Kumar.
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“Whatever has to be done through discussions, it will be done accordingly,” he added.
The Bihar Chief Minister further said the decision will be taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi with regard to Cabinet expansion.
The JD (U), which is eyeing four Cabinet berths, had earlier said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has 17 MPs from Bihar, and five are central ministers.
The JD (U) added that it has 16 MPs but not a single minister in Prime Minister Modi’s Cabinet.
In tune with the same, the JD(U) is keen on getting four Cabinet berths – two Union Ministers and two Ministers of State. JD (U) MPs Lalan Singh, Santosh Kumar Kushwaha, Ramnath Thakur, and Chandeshwar Prasad are likely to be included in the Union Cabinet.
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It is also being said that BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi’s name is also doing the rounds for a Cabinet berth. If he is accommodated in the Union Cabinet then the BJP will have six ministers from Bihar.
Reports further suggest that besides Sushil Modi, Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) leader Pashupati Kumar Paras and JD (U) national president RCP Singh will also be included in the Union Cabinet.