New Delhi: As the government has gone ahead to approve the draft of the National Education Policy on Wednesday, the Union Cabinet has now renamed the Ministry of Human Resource and Development as the Ministry of Education. Also Read: How Will Students Benefit From The New Education Policy Set To Be Approved In Today’s Cabinet Meeting? Know All About The Draft NEP

The announcement in this regard will be made later during the day, according to news agency ANI.

  • In a major development, the Union Cabinet went ahead to change the Ministry of Human Resource and Development based on the recommendations of the draft NEP 2020.

  • The draft policy suggested the change to bring the focus back on education and learning. In that respect, the name should be re-designated as the Ministry of Education (MoE).

  • According to reports, the Cabinet has also approved the draft New Education Policy, which will replace the three-decade-old policy.

  • Union HRD Minister, Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank will share the details during a press conference around 4 PM.

  • The Union Human Resource Development Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' had earlier said that the new education policy will resolve several issues in the education sector. He also said that with the new policy it will become easier for youth to take up higher education.

  • The National Education Policy was adopted in 1986 and the last time it was modified was in 1992.

  • In May 2019, the Modi government presented the draft NEP which looks at providing quality education to every child in the age group of 3-18 by 2030.

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