New Delhi: In a shocking incident, former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister and PDP Chief Mehbooba Mufti on Sunday visited the family of a deceased terrorist, who died in an encounter; after being shot dead by security forces in Pulwama. Not just this, Mehbooba also pointed fingers at the security forces and accused them of mistreating terrorist’s family members.

She had alleged that police officials had mistreated terrorist’s sister Rubina and other relatives.

Speaking on the same, Mufti said “If someone is a terrorist, what is the fault of his sister?” “She was stripped naked and thrashed” she added.

This comes after 4 JeM terrorists were gunned down by the security forces on Saturday in an encounter; one of these terrorists’ families was visited by former Chief Minister Mehbooba.

This move by Mufti is being linked to the upcoming elections.

This isn’t the first time Mufti has shown a soft corner or behavior towards the terrorists. She has also known to have a soft reaction to the stone pelters in the valley. The same became the reason for ally Bharatiya Janta Party to part ways with PDP, leading to dissolution of the J&K government and imposition of President rule in the state.