Srinagar: The authorities placed Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) supremo and former chief minister Mehbooba Mufti under house arrest in Srinagar on Sunday.

The PDP chief has been placed under house arrest at her high security Gupkar Road residence in the city, sources said.

This came after the authorities’ denied permission for the PDP’s youth convention scheduled to be held at Mufti’s residence in Srinagar.

The District Magistrate, Srinagar, has disallowed Sunday’s youth convention by the PDP scheduled to be held at the high security Gupkar Road residence of Mehbooba Mufti, IANS reported sources as saying.

The District Magistrate, sources added, decided not to allow the PDP youth convention because of the recent surge in Covid-19 infections in Srinagar district and the subsequent restrictions placed on large gatherings.

PDP spokesperson Najam-us-Saqib said the party activists were barred from moving towards Mufti's residence.

He added that the party tried to hold it at its headquarters near Sher-e-Kashmir Park but the office was also sealed by the administration, PTI reported.

Expressing her ire at the decision, the PDP chief in a video message accused the authorities of suppressing the voice of the youth over the last three years.

Reaching out to the youth, Mufti appealed to them to continue their mission for development, peace and tranquility in Jammu and Kashmir without being afraid.

“They reason they have turned you away from my door is because they are petrified of your voice and what it can achieve. You were prevented from reaching me today but this makes us more determined to remain steadfast on our mission of peace with dignity,” the J&K PDP said in a tweet, which was re-tweeted by the former chief minister.