New Delhi: India on Sunday reported 7,774 new Coronavirus cases, 306 deaths, and 8,464 recoveries in the last 24 hours. The Active caseload is at 92,281, the lowest in 560 days.

Currently, the active cases account for less than 1 per cent of total cases at 0.27 per cent, lowest since March 2020, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed.

8,464 recoveries in the last 24 hours increased total recoveries to 3,41,22,795. The recovery rate is at 98.36 per cent, highest since March 2020. 

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The daily positivity rate (0.65 per cent) is less than 2 per cent for the last 69 days while the weekly positivity rate (0.70 per cent) is less than 1 per cent for the last 28 days.

65.58 crore total tests have been conducted so far. On the other hand, 132.93 crore doses of COVID vaccines have been administered under the nationwide vaccination drive.

Omicron Cases In India

A 35-year-old man, with a travel history to Zimbabwe and South Africa, has tested positive for Omicron, becoming the second patient in Delhi of the new COVID-19 variant, news agency PTI reported sources as saying on Saturday.

He is admitted at the LNJP Hospital and only has weakness, they informed.

As per the information, The man returned to India from Zimbabwe and had even travelled to South Africa. He is fully vaccinated.

With the new case in Delhi, the country’s total count of infections with Omicron increased to 33.

So far, 17 omicron infections were detected in Maharashtra, followed by nine cases in Rajasthan, three in Gujarat, two in Karnataka, and now two in Delhi.