New Delhi: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath led Uttar Pradesh government is set to declare Ayodhya and Mathura as places of worship and is seriously mulling about putting a complete ban on sale and consumption of meat and liquor in these cities. UP government spokesperson and state’s Minister of Energy Srikant Sharma said “Crores of sadhus and saints had demanded that there be a complete ban on sale of meat and liquor therefore the government is mulling on the same”.

Srikant Sharma said “When these two places are declared as places of worship, then the sale of meat and liquor will stop on its own”. Without declaring them as ‘places of worship’ it will be difficult to impose a ban. He said “The ban shall be implemented in areas surrounding birth place of lord Krishna will be covered under this ban”.

As per Srikant Sharma, Mathura’s Vrindavan, Nandvillage, Barsana have already been declared as ‘tirth sthal’ and there is a ban on sale of flesh and alcohol there. Several saints met CM Yogi under the supervision of saint Gopal Das.

During the meeting VHP spokesperson Sharad Sharma was also present.

The saints sought a ban on sale of flesh and alcohol in Ayodhya.