Mann ki Baat: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the 48th episode of his monthly radio programme 'Mann Ki Baat' on Sunday. In his address, he lauded the Indian Air Force and said it has time and again protected the nation on various occasions. Underling the number of women in the air defence forces, Prime Minister Modi said that the Indian Air Force has set an example in ensuring gender equality by "opening doors of all its wings to the daughters."

The PM also emphasised on the importance of 'Parakram Parv' to raise awareness about Indian soldiers' contributions towards maintaining peace. Besides, Modi also lauded Indian Naval officer Abhilash Tomy for his extraordinary courage, will-power, and determination and termed him as an inspiration for the youth of the nation.

Besides, hailing the country's defence forces, he also said that India staunchly believes in peace and is committed to taking it forward, but it would not be at the cost of compromising its self-respect and sovereignty. Here are key takeaways from his 'Mann Ki Baat' address:

• As the Indian Air Force will be celebrating its 86th anniversary on October 8, PM Modi said, "Be it relief and rescue operation or disaster management nation is indebted to our air warriors for their commendable work. During natural calamity like floods, storms, wildlife fires their spirit to provide relief to countrymen has been exemplary."

• Underling the number of women in the air defence forces, PM said that India can proudly say that along with men, women power is also contributing equally to our armed forces and from being Sashakt (abled), women are now becoming Sashashtra (armed).

• He further said, "Yesterday, 1.25 billion Indians celebrated Parakram Parv. We remembered the 2016 surgical strike when our soldiers gave a befitting reply to those waging a proxy war in the garb of terrorism. The Armed forces organised exhibitions at various places so that the citizens, especially the youth get to know our might and also the capability valour and sacrifices of our soldiers. Parakram Parv reminds the youth of the glorious traditions of our armed forces and inspires us to preserve the unity and integrity of our country."

• He further cited Indian soldiers' contributions during the two World Wars as proof of the nation's commitment towards maintaining peace.

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• The Prime Minister also paid tribute to the soldiers of Mysore Hyderabad and Jodhpur Lancers that were a part of the Haifa war in Israel. On September 23, the 100th anniversary of the Haifa war was observed.

• Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday hailed Indian Naval officer Abhilash Tomy and mentioned his tough fight against the ocean's might and appreciated his valor during his 'Mann ki Baat' address to the nation.

• Kirti Chakra Awardee, Abhilash Tomy was rescued on September 24 from the Indian Ocean after he met with an accident while representing India in Golden Globe Race (GGR). He had suffered a back injury after his yacht was dismasted due to extremely rough weather and sea conditions.

• PM asserted that the armed forces will give a befitting reply to any attempt to destroy the atmosphere of peace in the country.

• PM recalled the 2016 surgical strikes, and said Indian troops gave a befitting reply to the "audacity of a proxy war" under the "garb of terrorism".

• In his monthly 'Mann ki Baat' radio address, Modi said, "It has now been decided that our soldiers will give a befitting reply to whosoever makes an attempt to destroy the atmosphere of peace and progress in our nation."

• Modi pointed out that India is one of the largest contributors to various United Nations Peace Keeping Forces in terms of sending its personnel.

• Days before Air For Day is celebrated on October 8 to mark its birth in 1932, Modi said "air warriors" have proved themselves to be the cynosure of every citizen's eye through display of sheer might in the skies.

• He also recalled the contribution of the IAF in transporting men and material to Srinagar in 1947 when Pakistani attackers had tried to capture Jammu and Kashmir.

• He said IAF payed a key role in 1965, 1971 and the Kargil war. He said be it the relief and rescue work or disaster management, the country is indebted to the IAF for its commendable efforts.

• He pointed out that the Air Force has set an example in ensuring gender equality and has opened its doors for women.

• PM Modi highlighted the significance of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and termed it as an integral part of justice.

• PM said, "There is a saying in Sanskrit which means Justice is inherent in Swarajya. When we talk of Justice, the human right becomes an integral part of it. It is very essential to ensure freedom, peace and justice to deprived and oppressed."

(With inputs from agencies)