Fake degree scam: Bengaluru police arrested an MBA graduate for selling 300 fake certificates to the people for a price ranging from Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lakh. The arrested man has been identified as Arjun, a native of Andra Pradesh. The police believed that the accused fabricated marks card and lured students by giving them fake mark sheets of reputed universities.

As per the report, Arjun came to Bengaluru four years ago in search of employment. However, after failing to get any, he, along with a few others, started an academy named as Good Guide Educational Academy in Koramangala. He used to promise to help students pursue correspondence courses and let them get a degree from reputed institutes.

Arjun used to target students who have had a gap of three to four years after PUC or have done only one year of a degree course. According to reports by the New Indian Express, one such person who was duped by Arjun on the pretext of a degree marks card from Periyar University approached the police after which the cops raided the office to find many marks sheets and birth, degree, and PG certificates with names of candidates written on them. There were many blank certificates too.

The cops found documents and fake marks cards of about 300 students and believe that there might be more. The police are meanwhile investigating the matter further.

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