Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed the 100th episode of his monthly radio programme 'Mann Ki Baat'. The Prime Minister began by congratulating the citizens on the milestone and said that he got emotional while reading people's messages for the 100th episode. He said that at times he could not believe that it has been such a long journey. The Prime Minister remembered the day when he addressed the first edition of the programme.

Top Quotes From PM Modi's 100th 'Mann Ki Baat'

  • Recalling the first episode of the programme, the PM said, "On 3rd October 2014, on the auspicious occasion of Vijaya Dashami, we started Mann Ki Baat together. Today I would like to congratulate all the citizens on the 100th episode of Mann Ki Baat. The show is the personification of our citizens; here we celebrate positivity, and people's participation."


  • Mann Ki Baat has become a festival that celebrates India's positivity and its people, he said adding 'it is a way to worship people'.


  • Mann Ki Baat gave me a solution to connect with people, it's not merely a programme but faith, spiritual journey for me. Be it 'Swachh Bharat', Khadi or 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav', issues raised in Mann ki Baat became public movements


  • For me, 'Mann Ki Baat' has been about worshipping the qualities in others. Every episode of 'Mann Ki Baat' has been special. It has celebrated positivity, people's participation, the Prime Minister said.


  • 'Mann Ki Baat' programme is a reflection of 'Mann Ki Baat' of crores of Indians, it is an expression of their feelings, he added.


  • The PM said, "I started the campaign 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' from Haryana itself. The 'Selfie with Daughter' campaign influenced me a lot and I mentioned it in my episode. Soon this 'Selfie with Daughter' campaign became global. The motive of this campaign was to make people understand the importance of daughter in one's life."


  • Speaking on the tourism industry, the Prime Minister said, "Tourism sector is growing rapidly in the country. Be it our natural resources, rivers, mountains, ponds or our pilgrimage sites, it is important to keep them clean. This will help the tourism industry a lot."


  • PM Modi said that he was glad that 'Mann Ki Baat' covered various stories of women empowerment, such as the women of Deora village in Chhattisgarh, tribal women in Tamil Nadu making terracotta cups, and women rejuvenating Vellore Lake. "'Mann Ki Baat' has showcased stories of talented individuals across diverse fields, from promoting Aatmanirbhar Bharat to Make in India and space startups. The mission to re-establish our toy industry began with Mann Ki Baat." PM Narendra Modi added.


  • He added, "In every episode of Mann Ki Baat, the service and capabilities of fellow citizens have inspired others. Every citizen becomes an inspiration for another in this program. In a way, every episode of Mann Ki Baat prepares the ground for the next one."


  • 'Mann Ki Baat' has been a catalyst in igniting numerous mass movements, be it 'Har Ghar Tiranga' or 'Catch the Rain', Mann Ki Baat has enabled mass movements to gain momentum, the Prime Minister noted.


  • He talked to Vijayashanti from Manipur who makes clothes from lotus fibres. "This unique eco-friendly idea of hers was discussed in 'Mann Ki Baat', and her work became more popular," he further said.


  • PM Modi expressed his gratitude to the entire All India Radio team, MyGov, media and especially the people of India for making 'Mann Ki Baat' a resounding success.

The 100th episode of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's monthly radio programme 'Mann Ki Baat' was also broadcast live from the United Nations headquarters in New York in a historic moment. The live broadcast of the programme from the UN headquarters is historic and unprecedented. It was broadcast in the Trusteeship Council Chamber of the United Nations.

ALSO READ | 100 Episodes Of Mann Ki Baat: A Look At Notable Addresses By PM Modi In His Monthly Radio Broadcast