West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee launched an all-faith harmony rally in Kolkata on Monday, coinciding with the Ram temple dedication event in Ayodhya today afternoon, news agency PTI reported. Before the rally, she offered prayers at Kolkata's Kalighat temple on Monday. Banerjee, dressed in her signature white and blue bordered cotton sari, was spotted performing puja and prayers at the famed Kalighat temple.

Following the puja, Banerjee lead an all-faith unity rally from Hazra More to Park Circus Maidan, stopping at mosques, churches, and gurdwaras. The rally will end in a massive assembly in Park Circus Maidan.

Banerjee, who previously blasted the BJP over the Ram temple event as a "gimmick show before the Lok Sabha polls," is heading the rally from Hazra More, where she would visit numerous sites of worship representing diverse religions, including mosques, churches, and gurdwaras. 

Earlier, ahead of the march, Kolkata Police had deployed 3,500 police officers, including Assistant Commissioner-level officials, across the city, with extra troops on standby in each division under its authority. 

On Sunday, West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose also urged the people of the state to make the dedication of the Ram temple in Ayodhya a pleasant and peaceful occasion marked by peace and harmony.

In an official communication from the Raj Bhavan, Bose said: “On 22nd January 2024, the nation will stand witness to signature events that are intricately linked to its ethos. Seminal events shall also take place in West Bengal. On this special day when we redefine the essence of our nationhood through strong linkages to its great heritage and culture, let us resolve once again to share the glory and greatness of our Motherland.”

“I appeal to my brothers and sisters of Bengal to make the occasion one of sweetness and light through peace and harmony. Friends, I urge upon everyone to be tolerant and do not fall prey to disinformation. The law is on your side. It is time people rise in unison to promote social integration,” the Governor  added