New Delhi: Ahead of Uddhav Thackeray's Maha Vikas Agadi (MVA) Alliance floor test on Thursday, Mumbai Police have stepped up security near Vidhan Bhavan and along the route that the rebel Shiv Sena MLAs are likely to take from the airport, an official said on Wednesday. According to a report by news agency PTI, police have also imposed Section 144 of the CrPC prohibiting assembly of five or more persons. In a bid to ensure security, nobody will be allowed to gather near the Vidhan Bhavan and surrounding areas in south Mumbai.
"Police and traffic police are on high alert anticipating protests by Shiv Sena supporters against the rebel MLAs when they will travel towards the Vidhan Bhavan," PTI quoted a police official as saying.
Adequate police will be stationed along the route the Shiv Sena rebels led by senior leader Eknath Shinde will take from the Mumbai airport to the Vidhan Bhavan Complex, the official added.
He also said that the traffic police will ensure that buses carrying the rebels reach the Vidhan Bhavan safely without any hurdles.
"Though there is no official communication about the transport plan of the rebels yet, a green corridor may be created for the movement of the buses of the dissidents," the official said.
Apart from that, security arrangements have also been intensified in important pockets of the metropolis.
As a precautionary measure, police have issued notices under Section 149 of the CrPC to more than 300 leaders and workers of all prominent political parties, the official said.
According to the PTI report, prohibitory orders banning the assembly of more than five persons under Section 37 of the Maharashtra Police Act are already in place.
The police official added that the security at the residences and offices of all the rebel MLAs has been stepped up across Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra.