New Delhi: Senior NCP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Majeed Memon has said group leaders of their respective parties -- NCP's Jayant Patil and Congress's Balasaheb Thorat -- will become Deputy Chief Ministers in the Maha Vikas Aghadi-led government in Maharashtra."Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray will be sworn in as Chief Minister and Balasaheb Thorat from Congress and Jayant Patil from NCP will become Deputy Chief Ministers," Memon said on Tuesday.
He said that the tri-party alliance will resolve the major issues in Maharashtra. "Devendra Fadnavis government has done a lot of wrong things. We will try to correct it," Memon said.
Shiv Sena MLA Abdul Sattar has said that after the formation of the government, the first priority will be to waive farmers' loans. "Our first priority will be to waive farmers' loans. This will be done in the first Cabinet meeting," Sattar said.
This comes after BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis resigned as Maharashtra Chief Minister on Tuesday merely three days after he took oath in a controversial turn of events. Later in the evening the Shiv Sena-NCP-Congress combine met Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari and staked claim to form government, following which the Governor announced that Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray will take oath as the Chief Minister of the state on November 28.
Balasaheb Thorat, Jayant Patil To Be Maharashtra Deputy CMs, Says NCP's Majeed Memon
Updated at:
27 Nov 2019 08:01 AM (IST)
He said that the tri-party alliance will resolve the major issues in Maharashtra.
Senior NCP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Majeed Memon has said group leaders of their respective parties -- NCP's Jayant Patil and Congress's Balasaheb Thorat -- will become Deputy Chief Ministers in the Maha Vikas Aghadi-led government in Maharashtra.
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