Mumbai: NCP chief Sharad Pawar has dashed hopes of Shiv Sena which is exploring options to form government in Maharashtra. Pawar on Friday night said the mandate received by his party is to sit in the opposition and the party will follow that.

Pawar's comments come amid talk about the possibility of BJP's recalcitrant ally Shiv Sena forming government in Maharashtra with support from the NCP and the Congress.

Shiv Sena is upset with the BJP for not accepting its demand of rotational chief minister and a 50:50 deal for power sharing.

Speaking to reporters in Nashik, Pawar also termed as "childish" the tussle between the BJP and its ally Shiv Sena over sharing of the chief minister's post.

The BJP and Shiv Sena, which contested the October 21 Maharashtra assembly poll jointly, won 105 and 56 seats respectively. The NCP and Congress have clinched 54 and 44 seats respectively.

Asked about the possibility of the Shiv Sena forming government with the support of the NCP and the Congress, Pawar said there was no discussion in his party in this regard.

"We do not have a clear majority. People have asked us to sit in the opposition. We accept that mandate and will take care that we play that role effectively," he said.

(With additional information from PTI)