The Madhya Pradesh administration on Saturday demolished the residences of two persons accused of raping a minor in Satna district. In a Twitter post, MP's department of public relations said a joint team of the administration and the police razed the "illegal construction" of both the accused by using bulldozers.
"Strict action was taken against the accused in the rape of a minor girl in Maihar in Satna district," the statement further said.
The two men, who worked for a trust of a temple in Maihar town, were arrested on Friday. The trust sacked the duo after the incident came to light.
The accused, both aged 30, were on Friday produced in a local court which sent them in 14-day judicial custody
The accused, Ravindra Kumar Ravi and Atul Bhadoliya, had lured the minor to an isolated location and then raped her. The 12-year-old girl had bite marks all over her body, PTI reported quoting police.
The minor was bleeding profusely when she was found and has been admitted to a hospital at the divisional headquarters Rewa.
Satna Superintendent of Police Ashutosh Gupta told PTI that a panel of doctors was treating th girl and her condition was "okay" at his point in time.
"Her body bore bites and injuries which pertain to sexual assault," he said.
MP Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan directed the police to take strict action against the accused and provide the best of possible medical treatment to the girl.
Madhya Pradesh Congress president Kamal Nath attacked the Chouhan government over crimes in the state and said the victim was subjected to an "inhuman attack" that was reminiscent of the 2012 Nirbhaya case in Delhi.
"Such incidents with sisters and daughters have become a routine affair in Madhya Pradesh and it proved that Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan's government has failed to provide them security," Nath said in a tweet.