Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav on Thursday condemned the incident where an Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) made a woman tie his shoelace in Chitrangi of Singrauli district. The CM has issued directions to sack the government officer immediately.

CM Yadav took to social media platform X and tweeted, "An incident wherein SDM made a woman tie his shoelace in Chitrangi of Singrauli district has come to light. This is highly condemnable. I have given directions to sack the SDM immediately..."

Earlier, CM Yadav had issued directions to sack Umariya SDM for beating up a boy with a stick. 

CM took swift action after a photograph of the SDM making the women worker tie his shoelace went viral on social media.

A picture of Chitrangi SDM Asvanram Chiravan caused uproar on social media in which a woman was seen tying his shoelace following which the chief minister took action against him.

According to ANI report, Chiravan has clarified that he did not ask the woman to do it. She helped his as he suffered injuries a few days back and had problem in bending.

Chiravan explained that in December 30, 2023, on January 22 a religious program was going on at the Hanuman temple in Chitrangi. To attend the event, he took off his shoes using his legs as he had problem in bending due to his injury. He then wore them back using his legs after the program concluded. But, his shoelace were still tied and since he had back injury the woman staff member helped him, the report said.