Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Monday hauled up the district and police administration over the protests organised by a Hindu outfit outside the newly opened Lulu mall in capital Lucknow on Sunday. During the video conferencing, the Chief Minister directed the police to check anti-social elements from disturbing communal harmony and lawlessness, reported news agency IANS.

"It should take the matter seriously and such lapses will not be tolerated. Miscreants trying to create disturbance in the mall should be dealt with strictly," the CM said as reported by IANS.

Ha also said that the issue has been raked up by political parties for their own benefit.

"Unnecessary statements were being made by certain people and demonstrations being organised to obstruct the movement of people visiting the mall. No one should be permitted to obstruct traffic on the road by organising prayers or other events," he directed.

Meanwhile, the alleged video of four persons being portrayed as those who offered namaz in Lulu mall on July 12 was fake, according to the Lucknow Police Commissionerate, reported IANS.

This video, which went viral on July 15, was actually of the people which police arrested on July 15 for an attempt to recite Hanuman Chalisa and offer namaz inside the mall, said police officials.

The Chief Minister further asked police officers to review the situation in their respective districts and keep an eye on anti-social elements.

On Friday last week, the mall authorities lodged a complaint with the local police station in lucknow and put up notices across the property declaring, "No religious prayers will be permitted in the mall," after the alleged incident was reported.

(With IANS inputs)