Kargil Vijay Diwas is observed every year on July 26 to commemorate India's victory over Pakistan in the Kargil War in 1999. During the war, the Indian Army evicted Pakistani intruders and succeeded in recapturing Tiger Hill and other posts as a part of "Operation Vijay". The armed conflict continued for more than 60 days at Kargil in Ladakh.

Every year, this day we pay homage to the hundreds of Indian soldiers who were martyred in the war initiated by Pakistan. Several events are also held across the country to recognise the contributions of the Indian Armed Forces. 

History of Kargil War

Since the Indo-Pak War of 1971, there have been numerous armed engagements. Nuclear tests were carried out by both nations in 1998. A peaceful resolution to the Kashmir problem was promised in the Lahore Declaration, which the two nations signed in February 1999 to defuse the situation.

The Pakistani infiltration onto the Indian territory across the Line of Control was named Operation Badr. It was aimed to cut off links between Kashmir and Ladakh while forcing India to settle the Kashmir dispute. 

The Indian government responded with 'Operation Vijay' and mobilised 200,000 Indian troops for the nearly two-month-long battle.

The war took place between May and July of 1999 in Jammu and Kashmir's Kargil district. General Pervez Musharraf, the head of Pakistan's army  at the time, is thought to have engineered the battle without informing the country's then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Initially, in the Indian-controlled section of Kashmir, Pakistan captured various strategic points. They placed themselves in crucial locations. 

In the second phase of the war, India responded by first capturing strategic transportation routes. The Indian Army was able to identify the points of invasion based on intelligence provided by local shepherds.

In the final phase, the Indian Army, with help from the Indian Air Force, concluded the war in the last week of July. 

The Pakistan Army's involvement in the infiltrations was proven by the release of intercepts of communications between senior Pakistani military officials. 

Nawaz Sharif had even travelled to Washington requesting assistance from the US. Bill Clinton, then president of the United States, refused to do so until Pakistani forces left the Line of  Control.

Victory Declared By Indian Army

On July 26, 1999, the Army declared the mission a success. But the cost of the victory was high. Captain Vikram Batra was one of the brave soldiers who had been martyred during the Kargil war. 

Batra was awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest gallantry honour, posthumously. Recently, a movie, named Shershaah, was made based on the life of Vikram Batra.

"No one wins a war...there are different levels of loss, but nobody triumphs," Brock Chisholm famously said. The outcome of the Kargil war was disastrous. A lot of mothers and fathers lost their sons, and India lost a lot of brave soldiers.

The official death toll on the Indian side was 527, whereas there were between 357 and 453 fatalities on the  Pakistani side.

Kargil Vijay Diwas 2022 Celebrations

This year marks the 23rd anniversary of  Kargil Vijay Diwas. The Indian Army flagged off the Kargil Vijay Diwas Motor Bike expedition from Delhi.

For the flag-off ceremony at the war monument, a special event will be planned. Families of martyrs will be welcomed to the memorial service. Cultural performances are planned at Drass. The Shershah team will be present at the event. Choreographed dance performances, patriotic songs will be performed at the event.