New Delhi: Delhi NCR was hit again with a low-intensity earthquake on Monday. According to the National Centre for Seismology an earthquake of magnitude 2.1 occurred at 13:00:38 IST at the depth of 18 km. The epicentre is said to be 13 km in 13km West-northwest, of Gurugram.

Delhi falls under high-risk seismic zones and is in zone IV which is susceptible to earthquakes of 5-6 magnitude and occasionally of 7-8 magnitude.  Since April Delhi NCR region has witnessed several low-intensity earthquakes. This is the 14th one so far. The most recent one was on June 3, when a medium intensity earthquake of magnitude 3.2 was felt around Delhi-NCR. Geologists have warned that this could indicate that a powerful earthquake could strike Delhi-NCR at any time. Delhi’s proximity to the Himalayan region also makes it very vulnerable. This region has seen earthquakes more than magnitude 7. On June 5, an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.7 on the Richter Scale hit Jamshedpur in Jharkhand in the morning at 06:55 am.