New Delhi: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has reportedly complained of mild fever and sore throat since Sunday. The chief minister has isolated himself at home and a coronavirus test on him will be conducted on Tuesday morning. The chief minister hasn't met any official since Sunday after addressing the media where he informed about the Cabinet’s decision. Kejriwal is also a diabetic patient and the minister is taking all the precautions by isolating himself considering elderly people at home. ALSO READ: Four Terrorists Killed In Encounter In J&K's Shopian, 9 In 24 Hours

In his address to the people of the national capital on Sunday, the chief minister had briefed about what all will be operational from Monday. Hotels and banquet halls will remain closed in Delhi. Delhi hospitals will be available for the people of Delhi only, while central hospitals will treat people from all states. Private hospitals except those where special surgeries like neurosurgery are performed also reserved for Delhi residents.

The chief minister had been trying to contain the rise in the number of cases in the national capital and implemented several measures to keep the situation in control. He had been updating about the status of the Covid-19 situation in the capital every week besides unveiling measures from ensuring beds available in private hospitals, launching an app for the same to tracking plasma therapy that has proven effective in several cases in the capital.

Kejriwal has been trying to address the migrants' issue and well and managed to run several trains to ensure they reach back home.

The chief minister has been holding most of his meetings via video conferencing from his official residence for the past two months.

Giving an update on Kejriwal's health, AAP leader Sanjay Singh said "Kejriwal has not been keeping well due to fever and sore throat. He is a diabetic patient and doctors have advised him not to hold any further meetings. He will undergo Coronavirus test on Tuesday. We all wish him good health and speedy recovery."

Former Delhi BJP chief also hoped Kejriwal recovers soon but slammed the Delhi government's decision  on treating only local citizens at hospitals in the national capital. "I got to know about the symptoms and he going into self-quarantine. I am praying to Hanumnji to keep Kejriwalji and Delhi safe and healthy. The decision to reserve hospitals in the city for only Delhi citizens is shameful and should be revoked."