New Delhi: The Allahabad high court on Friday granted bail to Surya Prakash who was booked for a Facebook post against Lord Ram and Krishna. The Court further adds that Lord Ram and Krishna resides in the heart of Indians.

The bench led by Justice Shekhar Yadav observed that the right to freedom of speech and expression doesn't allow one to hurt the religious sentiments of others. He further said that irrespective of one believing in God or not, one doesn't get the right to hurt another person's faith and it is imperative for citizens to respect the culture and great man of the country. 

"The obscene remarks made by the accused/applicant about the great men of India, Lord Shri Ram and Lord Shri Krishna, is an insult to the faith of the majority of the people of this country and it disturbs the peace, harmony in the society and the innocent people have to bear its consequences," the court said.

While granting the bail, the court asked Jatav not to commit the crime in future.

"The Indian Constitution, which is the world's largest and most liberal constitution, allows a citizen to not believe in any religion or to remain an atheist, but it must be seen that he is not against the traditions of related to religion, health, morality, law and order or the rights of other citizens," the court said.

While referring to the Supreme Court 2004 ruling in the case of Commissioner Of Police & Ors vs Acharya J. Avadhuta And Anr, also known as Anand Margi case, the High Court stated that there are limitations to the right to freedom of religion and the right to freedom of speech and expression.

In the Anand Margi case, the apex court had ruled that the practice of Tandava dance in public is not an essential part of Anand Margi faith.

Similarly, cow slaughter is banned during the celebrations of Eid as it hurts the sentiment of other religions, the High Court said.